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The background of WORD MARANATHA.​
Word Maranatha is an Aramaic word, which bears the meaning"Our Lord comes quickly", or "Our Lord Y'Shua is coming soon". This is a short message and had been used for the introduction of primeval (early) apostolic Church. With it the believers were recognized. The early believers used it as a code word for their recognition due to the revere prosecution of Roman Empire and the some word was also used for greetings. The early Christian also used it in the correspondences. Apostle Paul especially used it in his epistles when he closed his epistles. In the ecclesia (the Church, assembly), at the time of commemoration of Lords Supper they also used it. Paul used to raise the bread and wine up and used to say aloud MARANATHA and the assembly of the believers answered by saying, Amen. The book of Revelation is also seen ending with the some hope Lord come soon.​
The word is used only once in the New Testament in original text and also transliterated in many authorized version (English) in 1 - CORINTHIAN​
Chap: 16 verse 22. Many versions have translated it into.The Lord is coming soon. The Pauline epistle to Corinthian is closed with this blessed word.​
MRC (Maranatha Revival Crusade) is non-organizational, non profitable and an international fellowship of the believers which is engaged in exploring the truths of the Gospel of Our Lord Yshua the Mashiach (Lord Jesus Christ). She is preparing the people for His imminent return and alternating the world from great coming world holocaust that in the coming seven years of tribulation and making an awareness among the nations about the coming judgement and perils which are soon to come and also informs about the current affairs and events and conferences of the present age comparing with the biblical prophecies and also holding evangelical meetings and spiritual and praying congregations so that the way of our Lord may be prepared. She also provides the Literature.

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